If you measured in feet skip to calculate the area as square footage.
How do you figure out square footage of a roof.
To find the squares divide the overall roof area by 100 and then round up.
The top ridge will be shorter than the one of the gable roof but the four hips will add to the ridge length.
If you measured in feet inches divide inches by 12 and add that to your feet measure to get total feet.
The square footage of a hip roof area is identical to the square footage of a gable roof of the same size.
1square of roofing covers 100 square feet of roof a bundle is 1 3 of a square.
Divide any irregularly shaped areas of the roof into more manageable triangles and rectangles then calculate square footage for those individual elements and add them to get the total square footage.
If you measured in another unit of measure do the following to convert to feet.
Get the square footage of roof and divide it by 100 and it will give the number of squares you need and for every decimal number over 3 buy a bundle to achieve the amount of material.
The only difference in this calculation to the one for a gable roof area is the amount of the ridge.
Calculate the square footage area of a hip roof.
For example take an area made up of a triangle that s 20 feet high and has a base of 40 feet plus a square that s 40 feet by 40 feet.
Calculate the square footage of a gambrel style roof using imperial measurements.
The lower slope length is measured from outside wall to the start of the upper sloped roof section.
Multiply the length by the width to arrive at the ground area of the house.
If your roof is flat or has no more than a 3 in 12 pitch you can calculate its total square footage by simply multiplying the length by the width.
Steep roofs measure your house at ground level then add in the roof s overhang for greater accuracy.
In cases where a roof has a complex shape such as in the image to the right measuring the dimensions and areas of each part of the roof to calculate total area will result in a more accurate measurement of area.
For instance if the roof is 1550 square feet then it is 16 squares.
Divide by 12 and that is your measurement in feet.
The calculator cannot account for complex shapes based on a measurement of square footage alone.
If the house has an irregular shape measure each part separately figure the separate areas and add them together.
L x w a in square feet to find square feet multiply the length measurement in feet by the width measurement in feet.